Engjaskóli School Assembly 2024

Skólaþing málstefna

The annual Engjaskóli School Assembly took place on Wednesday, November 20. Students from all grades worked together on the day's projects.
The assembly began with work on the school's language policy. Students, staff, parents and a local community representative participated. Seventh-grade students managed group timekeeping, note-taking and moderation.

The middle session focused on the Convention on the Rights of the Child. This convention aims to ensure all children have equal rights, regardless of origin, sex or social status. Students updated older images and placed new ones on our large Convention on the Rights of the Child display.

In the third session, students participated in various games and challenges throughout the school.

Students performed exceptionally well, completing quality work after both sessions. They then enjoyed various games and challenges together in the final session.
Seventh-grade students deserve special praise for their excellent leadership in guiding work on the school's language policy.